CGSL Quarterly Youth Digest


Message From The National Coordinator

Dear Reader,

We are extremely pleased to introduce our inaugural edition of the Chozen Generation Quarterly Youth Digest, a youth magazine dedicated to promoting the culture of creative writing and reading among young people.

At the end of every quarter over the coming months we shall be compiling the very best pieces from our dedicated team and bring them right on to your smart phone and PC screens. We shall be profiling extremely amazing individuals whose stories can inspire you. Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Entertainers, Entrepreneurs—as long as you have a story to tell we will find you and inspire the millions of young Sierra Leoneans.

August has been an unbelievably tragic month for this country. Hundreds of our compatriots died when flood waters engulfed the capital city Freetown, causing a mountain top to cave in on a small community in Regent. Once again, we have seen the resilience first hand of our people. We also witnessed the epic gallantry of our young people who wasted no time to dash to vulnerable communities to rescue those trapped and help recover the corpses of our fallen compatriots

Here at CGSL, we swiftly responded to this national tragedy by recruiting volunteers to collect details of the deceased which was then posted on a memorial page we created on our website to help relatives and friends, particularly those from overseas, to identify deceased. To date we have compiled a list of more than 100 verified deceased with their details and photographs. We continue to remember them.

Chozen Generation Sierra Leone is not oblivious of the huge challenges that young people in Sierra Leone continue to grapple with. An article in the UK Guardian Newspaper identified Sierra Leone as the most dangerous country to be a young person with 1 in every 150 persons between 15 and 29 reported to have died in 2015. A really unwelcomed news and it is a situation which we must all work to change.

That is why we support the Citizen’s Manifesto’s call for increased political participation of young people in the forthcoming elections. We believe that the more involved young people are in national decision-making processes, the better our chances of ensuring that our needs, voices and aspirations take center stage.

Joel Abdulai Kallon

In this issue:

  1. Poetry

A young female poet pushes her creativity to  the extreme as she paints a beautiful picture of the Sierra Leone of her dreams

     2. Two Inspiring Young Sierra Leonean Academics

We profile two incredibly outstanding Sierra Leonean students who are doing their Ph.Ds abroad. Read their amazing stories and get inspired!

     3. CGSL Member of The Month

…and much more

 Download a PDF  copy of our newsletter CGSL Quarterly Youth Magazine and don’t miss out on anything.